Private Mentorship with Aveyah
Greetings Queen!

I'm SO excited that you're HERE and acting on your inspiration to step into more of the infinite abundance of who you are! πŸ’«

It all starts with you.
It all starts from within.
It all starts from the heart.

This is where our true power lies, and I'm here to serve as your divine reflection to call you forth in creating the inner and outer reality of your wildest dreams... or as I like to call it, your Queendom!

The following form is for me to get a better sense of who you are, where you're at in your life, and how I can best serve/support you to live your highest potential πŸ¦‹

I look forward to connecting with you! ✨

In Love & Joy,
Aveyah πŸ§šπŸΌβ€β™€οΈπŸ’– 
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Full Name *
Email Address *
Social Media Links *
What inspired you to reach out for deeper support? Why now? *
What lights you up? What are you most passion about? *
What is your current business or career? *
How committed are you to your spiritual growth and empowerment? *
I have my doubts...
I'm all in!
True transformation requires true courage, devotion, self-honesty, trust and inspired action. How committed are you to the process? *
So so...
I'm all in!
What do you DESIRE more than anything in your life right now? *
What seems to be missing from your life right now, and how do you keep it away? *
Have you ever had a coach or mentor? If so, what was your experience like? *
What would make this experience feel like a MIRACLE for you? *
Is there anything else that you would LOVE for me to know about you? *
How long do you feel inspired to expand together? *
I only take on private clients that I am certain I can support in stepping into the next level of  their shine & potential beyond their current level of imagination! πŸ¦‹

With this in mind, the Rose mentorship bundle which includes the Liberated Love 3 month online group immersion + 7-day retreat + 3 months of unlimited private mentoring is 11k and can be extended to further empower your highest transformation.

Custom monthly payment plans are available. 

If this is a good fit, are you ready and excited to invest in yourself and call yourself forth in a BIG way? πŸ’«
Who were you referred by and/or how did you find me? *
If your application is approved, we will schedule a Zoom call to further explore. If we both feel a high excitement & resonance in embarking upon this journey together, there will be a minimum deposit of $3000 USD towards your mentorship investment.  Payment will be due within 72 hours of approval to maintain your spot. Are you excited and willing to do so? πŸ¦‹ *
Thank you for taking a moment to answer this questionnaire transparently  πŸ™πŸ½β€οΈ

I appreciate you, honor you, and look forward to reviewing your application.  
You will hear back from a member of my team within 3 business days!  

In Joy & Gratitude,
-Aveyah πŸ§šπŸΌβ€β™€οΈπŸ’–
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