What Symptoms Overlap in High Sensitivity and Adult Autism?

Please check the items that are true for you. 

The following anonymous form contains a checklist of potential "symptoms" of Adult Autism from Dr. Crystal Lee. Please think of this as a preliminary conversation and checklist. It is important to note that this is NOT a diagnosis but an effort to understand what symptoms may overlap between HSPs and Autism.  True assessments can take many hours of assessment weighing all the intricacies with a knowledgeable practitioner.
Connectez-vous à Google pour enregistrer votre progression. En savoir plus
What was your score on the High Sensitivity Quiz? www.SensitivityQuiz.com
What was your score on the Autism Quiz? https://www.juliebjelland.com/autism-quiz
Do you know we have started a group for HSP Autistic Females (or those that suspect they are) inside the Sensitive Empowerment Community? You can join here.  *
(Optional) is there anything else you would like to share?
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