Registration Form Contact Impro Festival Trondheim 2024
Welcome to the Contact Impro Festival in Trondheim 4 - 6. October 2024 by ImproDans Trondheim! Location: DansiT, Strandveien 33, Trondheim
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What is your motivation to participate in the festival?
What is your dance or movement background?
Do you have experience in Contact Improvisation?
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Do you want to perform/share an idea or score at the OPEN STAGE on Saturday 5.10.2023 17:30-19:00?
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On Sunday morning 6th of October, you want to join:
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FESTIVAL TICKET: 1500-3000 NOK (*including all workshops, warm lunch, and snacks) We offer a sliding scale system where you pay according to your financial situation. By paying more you make it possible for others to pay less.
Please fill in the amount for your festival ticket below. An invoice will be sent in a separate mail. Please note that your spot for the festival is not secured until payment is registered.
A warm vegan lunch will be provided on Saturday and Sunday. Do you have any food allergies?
Accommodation/couch surfing: Since some people travel to Trondheim for the festival maybe someone from Trondheim is happy to host a guest. Leave a comment if you need a place to stay or if you can offer a place.
Photos and videos will be taken during the festival by a very discrete professional photographer to capture the atmosphere of the festival.
Do you have any medical conditions or injuries that may impact your participation in the festival that the organizers need to know of? Please provide details.
The festival is a collective movement experience that involves physical touch and requests body awareness and respectful and mindful interaction with each other and the space. Everyone is contributing to providing emotional and physical safety. Every participant is joining at their own risk and is aware of the risks of injuries. The participant is responsible for their own insurance and liability insurance concerning others and for replacing items that were damaged through their actions. The organization has no responsibility in this respect. By sending this form you have read, understood, and agree to this statement. *
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