Auckland Hill Climb Series
Nov 6 - Dec 10.  More details on the Facebook Event page
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By entering the Auckland Hill Climb Series (AHCS), I agree to be bound by the following regulations:

I am aware of the dangers of road racing and acknowledge that I will compete in
the AHCS at my own risk;

I have read and understood all instructions relating to the AHCS and acknowledge that they are clear and unambiguous;

I will obey the road rules at all times and, in particular, will stay to the left of the centre line;

I acknowledge that there are no road closures and no guarantee that members of the public will obey the road rules;

I acknowledge that the organiser has done his best to make the AHCS as safe as he can taking into account that he cannot control every eventuality;

If I am involved in an accident, I will not seek to blame or make a claim against the organiser;

If I have any concerns with the AHCS, I will raise them with the organiser and will not raise them with anyone else, recognising that I will otherwise jeopardise
the future of the HCS.
You also agree to the Terms & Conditions
To complete your registration, enter your details on the AHCS Sheet.  This sheet is also where you'll find the official rules, and where you'll enter your results each week and view the Leaderboard. 
Would you like to volunteer?  If so, how?
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