Translator Application Form
Welcome translator application form by Toucan.
We are very pleased with your interest. We are translating WordPress plugins and themes into uzbek and russian languages.

If you want to know more about WordPress follow the link:

Once you submit the form we will contact with you back in 2 days.

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Your Name *
Your Telegram Username or Phone Number *
Please, fill out this field in order to connect with you.
Translate into uzbek or russian language. If you can translate into both of languages please separate them with Enter. There is an example given below.
Example:  Welcome to your WordPress Dashboard!
                  WordPress boshqaruv paneliga xush kelibsiz!
1. Crop Selection
2. Change your Privacy Policy page
3. Sorry, you are not allowed to create pages on this site
4. ERROR: you are replying to a comment on a draft post
5. You can customize the display of this screen using the Screen Options tab and/or the dropdown filters above the links table.
6. There are unsaved changes that will be lost. 'OK' to continue, 'Cancel' to return to the Image Editor.
7. Default Post Format
8. This address is used for admin purposes. If you change this we will send you an email at your new address to confirm it
9. You can filter the list of users by User Role using the text links above the users list to show All, Administrator, Editor, Author, Contributor, or Subscriber
10. If you absolutely have to make direct edits to this plugin, use a file manager to create a copy with a new name and hang on to the original. That way, you can re-enable a functional version if something goes wrong
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