Fast-a-Thon & Iftar Sign-up
Event Time and Location: Pearson's Café from 7-8pm.

Members of the SJCME community who are not observing the Ramadan, but want to experience what fasting for a day is like, are invited to participate in a Fast-a-Thon. All are invited to fast for a day and then donate the money they would have spent on food to the Maine Immigrants' Rights Coalition (donation page here). At the end of the day of fasting, there will be a special Iftar (meal to break the fast) at Pearson's Cafe dining at sundown.

Please fill out this form to register for both the fast-a-thon and/or the iftar. You can opt to attend both or one. Hope to see many of you there!

E-mailadres *
First Name *
Last Name *
Role *
If a student, what year are you?
Will you fast that day and pledge to donate your meal to the Maine Immigrant Rights Coalition? *
Will you attend the Iftar (breaking of the fast meal) at Pearson's Cafe from 7pm-8pm? *
Any dietary restrictions?
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