CORA ORP Trainee Registration Form
This form is for individuals participating in the Overdose Response Training Program. Please fill out the information below, thank you very much!
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Please type your full name. (LAST NAME, FIRST NAME) *
Please type your preferred email that we can contact to reach out to you if needed. *
What is the date of your training? *
Sex (optional):
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Race/Ethnicity (optional) check all that apply:
Are you Hispanic or Latino? (optional)
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Age (optional):
What population are you are a part of out of these categories? (If you are in HS and living in a particular county, select HS!) *
Please check which category BEST describes your reason for obtaining overdose education and training (please choose only one). *
Have you been trained in overdose response before? *
Would you be interested in receiving biweekly updates from CORA? This includes any additional training or educational opportunities and updates from us. *
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