Prijavnica na oratorij /  Application form for oratorij
Sestre FMA (Don Boskove salezijanke) skupaj s sodelavci in animatorji pripravljamo poletni oratorij pri sestrah na Gornjem trgu. Letošnji glavni junak je blaženi Alojzij Grozde. Skozi teden bomo spoznavali njegovo življenje, se veliko igrali, peli, molili, ustvarjali, se spoznavali in se kaj novega naučili.
Oratorij v angleščini je namenjen otrokom od devetega leta do konca osnovne šole.
Oratorij v slovenščini je namenjen otrokom, ki grejo s šolskim letom 2023/2024 v šolo, do konca osnovne šole.
Program traja od 9:00 do 15:00. Za kosilo bo poskrbljeno.

Veseli bomo, če se nam pridružite in povabite še koga!

Prijavite se čim prej.
Če prijavljate več otrok, izpolnite za vsakega otroka svojo prijavnico.

Če imate kakršno koli dodatno vprašanje nam lahko pišete na e-naslov:

The FMA sisters (Salesians of Don Bosco) are, together with colleagues and animators, preparing a summer oratory in their community at Gornji trg in Ljubljana. This year's hero is Blessed Alojzij Grozde. During the week we will get to know his life, we will be playing, singing, praying, creating, making friends ...
The oratory in the English language is for children from nine years until the end of primary school. The oratorij in the Slovene language is intended for children who go to school in the 2023/2024 school year until the end of primary school. The program lasts from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Lunch will be provided. We will be happy if you join us and invite more children! Apply as soon as possible. If you are registering several children, fill in your own application form for each child. If you have any additional questions, you can write to us at the e-mail address:
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Prijavljam se na / I am applying to: *
Ime otroka / Name of the child: *
Priimek otroka / Surname of the child: *
Datum rojstva otroka (dan, mesec, leto) / Date of birth (day, month, year): *
Razred, ki ga je otrok v šol. letu 2022/2023 zaključil / The grade the child completed in the school year 2022/2023: *
Naslov in pošta / Address and post: *
Ime, priimek starša in telefonska številka / Name, surname and phone number of parents: *
E-naslov staršev (za obveščanje o programu) / E-mail of parents (to inform you about the programme): *
Morebitne posebnosti otroka (zdravila, diete, alergije ...) / 
Any special features and requirements of the child (medications, diets, allergies...) :
Soglašam z arhiviranjem fotografij otroka s počitniškega tedna v arhivu Zavoda Dominika / 
I agree to the archiving of the child's photos from the holiday week in the archives of the Zavod Dominika.
Soglašam z objavo fotografij otroka z oratorija za namen informiranja in promocije Zavoda Dominika (na spletu, TV ali v tiskanih medijih). /
I agree to the publication of the photos of the child from the oratory for the purpose of informing and promoting the Zavod Dominika (online, TV or in print media).
Zagotavljamo, da bo Zavod Dominika kot izvajalec duhovno-počitniškega tedna oratorij in kot upravljavec osebnih podatkov zgoraj navedene podatke obdeloval in hranil izključno za izvedbo in informiranje o programu DPT. S podatki bomo ravnali skladno z zakonom in jih ne bomo posredovali tretjim osebam. Vaše podatke bomo hranili do preklica. Hrambo in uporabo podatkov lahko kadarkoli prekličete preko e-pošte /
We guarantee that Zavod Dominika, as the provider of the spiritual-holiday week (oratory) and as the manager of personal data, will process and store the above-mentioned data exclusively for the implementation and information about the DPT program. We will handle the data in accordance with the law and will not pass it on to third parties. We will keep your data until cancellation. You can cancel the storage and use of the data at any time by emailing us to
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