Gdakon 2025 Helper form
This form is to help us recruit and verify all the helping hands that come to Gdakon! If you wish to help us make the con better and more fun, see below if there's a place for you in our Helper Team!

Have in mind that people who repeatedly help with the con can get special bonuses like additional status or even earlier registration, but be wary! To avoid inconveniences and confusion, everyone who wants to be a Helper needs to be evaluated at the con. First show us how you can help and then you'll surely get some bonuses! We'd also like to inform that not everyone filling this form might be proclaimed as Helper, due too our needs or previous cons experiences.

We require that volunteers have the ability to communicate effectively in English. Helpers also expected to commit a minimum of 6 hours during the entire convention. Advanced level of English and any other languages are bonus points in tasks like registration, ConOps and security, as it helps us smoothly carry the information without any confusion!

If you have any questions regarding helpers contact supervisor of section where you want to help the most. If you have general question try @Tygrys or @lestrate
Email *

Early arrival or living in tri-city area required. Registration usually opens in the morning and we need all of people assigned to that task to already be briefed and prepared for the queues that are forming. Registration involves moving reg stuff, collecting on-site payments, checking people in the system and welcoming them properly! sounds easy? it's a challenge!

This section is supervised by Rozz

ConOps is the center of information on the site. If you want to be on this team, you'll have to be prepared to sit in one place and do nothing as a crowd slowly forms in front of you.

It's probably the most demanding duty because you sacrifice your time on the con simply to help others enjoy it to the fullest. ConOps duty involves managing the lost&found items, providing information to the attendees, passing on issues to the proper teams, organizing the storage for all the events, etc.

This section is supervised by Thar

Want to keep everyone safe and behaving (to a point)? This is a job for you. Security duty starts when main events end, and contain mostly patrols and visiting rooms and parties to check if everything is in place or at least safe. Being able to respond immediately when on shift and solve sudden and often unexpected situations is the core of this duty. Advanced English is required to apply for this position!

This section is supervised by Derresh
Guard Duty

It seems like we're always missing people to guard certain areas at the con. It's sacrificing your con-time again, to just watch over a room or group of people and we realize it might be boring sometimes. This duty requires being alert and watchful, but it's not forbidden to talk to a friend or watch something on your phone while you're at it, you just have to be able to stop at any moment to act. We need people for guarding Fursuit Lounge entrance, Hotel entrance and Dealer's Den area and is not very demanding, but very needed nevertheless. If you think you have some dull time on the con and you are willing to sacrifice few hours to make the con safer and better for others, check this box!

Fursuit lounge section is supervised by Raksha, and Dealer's Den section is supervised by Derresh
Tech team

Do you consider yourself a nerd? Or you're simply educated in any tech stuff like managing computer devices, cables, electricity, engineering, lights, sound, etc. Qualified people are always welcome, so if you're up for using your brain magic to help us on the site, let us know!

This section is supervised by Lemurr and Stage Team section is supervised by Sader

If you have an idea for an event and would like to show it/perform/lecture on the con - There will be another form to fill out for them! Here you can apply for events assistance (also known as events helper duty) - if rather than hosting an event you'd prefer to help with preparing/managing it. This includes preparing a room (chairs and tables arrangement), aiding in a lecture (as a fursuiter for example), helping with reminding event hosts about their event starting, and helping with clean-up after the event (events such as arts & crafts leave some mess), and other duties strictly related to events.

This section is supervised by Tygrys
Fursuit Walk/parade

There is always a team of people needed to guard the fursuit walk (or parade), like water carriers, "shepherds" that keep it all safe on the sides, front and back guard. These are important roles and the better they are managed, the better fursuitwalk goes. Less stress and exhaustion for all included :)

This section is supervised by Rozz, Agent and Derresh
Chai House (in Chill zone)

You know how to tea? 

Chill Zone is is supervised by Rozz, Chai House is supervised by Phoenix
I want to help!

You would really like to help, but you don't have any exceptional skills or ideas to check any of the above? Or you just think you'll have the spare time anyway? Well if you really want to help, we will definitely find a suitable place for you, cause we need all the helping paws we can get!You can check this box in addition to other that you've already checked, to let us know you can do more than just one task!
Your nickname eg. Joe
Your telegram  eg. @Cottoneyejoe
I want to help with:
Is there something in your set of skills, not mentioned above, that you feel would be useful to the team? Let us know what else you can do to help!
A copy of your responses will be emailed to .
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