Module 4: Grassland Ecosystems
Session 2- Reimagining Grasslands

Dear Participants,
Please find below the assignments for Module 4 Session 2. You need to submit answers based on the lecture.
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All the questions are compulsory and need to be answered.
Marks are mentioned on the right side of the question. Total 30 marks.
Grassland ecosystems are highly neglected ecosystems. Is the statement correct? Please justify. (5 marks)
5 points
Pastoralists have a close link with grasslands. What role do they play in conserving, managing them? (5 marks) *
5 points
Objective type questions (5 marks)
Some of the most famous wildlife reserves are located in grasslands. These are Masai Mara and __________in Africa *
4 points
Words such as Dhangar and Maldhari to describe pastoralists actually refers to people who are ________. *
4 points
Name two animal breeds kept by pastoralists, recognized as important breeds                                         a. __________b. ________ *
4 points
Full form of IYRP is ______________ *
4 points
Grasslands are often referred to as ____________ in government records. *
4 points
Please complete the assignment and submit it before 4 October 2021.
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