GDG CLOUD WEBINAR #1: Deep Reinforcement Learning using TF-Agents
GDG Cloud HCM is pleased to introduce to everyone the GDG Webinar Series.

The Webinar event series will take place regularly, in the hope of bringing useful technology sharing to everyone anywhere, not just major cities in Vietnam.
Each webinar will include speaker presentation, Q&A and Mini Game.

WEBINAR #1: Deep Reinforcement Learning using TF-Agents

Date: 25/07/2020 at 3pm - 4pm

About Speaker:
Kshitiz Rimal is an AI Developer from Nepal. He is Google Developers Expert (GDE) on Machine Learning. He is also Intel AI Student Ambassador and currently a co-founder and Head of Research at Artificial Intelligence for Development, a not-for-profit research organization in Nepal.  

For the past 7-8 years he has been developing software and been a full-stack developer and UI/UX designer. Recently, for the past 3-4 years he is involved with Artificial Intelligence and specifically interested in a sub-field of AI called Deep Learning. He is passionate about AI and working actively how it can be used for the good of mankind.

Why Content:
The Webinar will cover concepts regarding Reinforcement Learning that are essential for beginners and go through step by step procedure to implement such learning algorithms using TensorFlow Agents Framework.

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Kshitiz Rimal is open to questions on Machine Learning.
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Choose your lucky number (only one number and three digits Ex: 123) to join our mini game at the end of the webinar and get our prizesss.
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