Join me for an awesome Card class....PLUS we'll play at least 3 games of Bingo with some awesome prizes!
The event will be held @
The Stillaguamish Conference Room
154 West Cox Ave
Arlington, WA 98223
Doors will open @ 9:30 and the event starts @ 10:00
You will also see the option to add on the full pack of DSP instead of the 1/2 pack you are receiving with the class.
Remember space is limited so register early.
You will be redirected to a Payable Form. You can still pay via PayPal or CC.
Please feel free to share this with everybody!
~I always keep my fingers crossed that we will not have
any products on back-order. If this happens, I will do my best to
accommodate you.~
Contact me with questions @ or 425-210-4746
Let's Stamp It!
Let's Stamp It!