Parent Survey for the 2020-2021 School Year Re-Opening
Collinsville Community Unit School District #10 is asking families to share their thoughts and opinions on the District’s Reopening Plan for the 2020-2021 school year during the COVID-19 pandemic.  

As our leadership team continues to plan for multiple possibilities for the upcoming school year, we feel it is imperative that we have feedback regarding a safe and successful start to the school year for your child(ren). Decisions surrounding possible plans for returning to school, remote learning, or a combination (hybrid) plan will be made based on ISBE and IDPH guidance, keeping in mind the unique and difficult circumstances that these plans will present for the families of our school District.  Please note, the district's goal is to return to a traditional school setting with safety measures in place when August arrives.    

The following is a short survey designed to help us obtain some initial critical information. This survey does not request any personal information and your answers will remain strictly anonymous.  Please complete only ONE survey, even if you have multiple students enrolled in the Collinsville School District.

Thank you for your timely response. Your feedback will help us plan and we will share additional information once the survey is complete.

What school does your child attend, select all that apply.   *
Jāaizpilda obligāti
Please indicate your child(ren)'s grade level. Check all that apply. *
Jāaizpilda obligāti
Does your student(s) receive any of the following services, check all that apply: *
Jāaizpilda obligāti
If school opens in the Fall under Phase 4 of the Illinois Reopening Plan and distancing expectations limit the number of students who can be in the school at any given time, it may be impractical for all students to attend in-person on a full time basis. Indicate your preference for your student(s) if they can NOT attend school every day: *
During the Hybrid Learning Phase, would your child(ren) need to attend daycare on the days they are not attending school in person? *
As schools  across the state consider the guidelines issued by the CDC, ISBE, and IDPH, there are different precautions being examined to allow students and staff to return to school buildings safely. Please indicate how each precaution would affect your willingness to send your child to school. *
This must be in place before I send my child to school
This would make me more comfortable sending my child to school
This would not affect my decision to send my child to school
This would make me uncomfortable sending my child to school
I would not send my child to school if this were in place.
The School is cleaned thoroughly and frequently
Students are required to wear masks/shields
Staff are required to wear masks/shields
Staff are screened for symptoms prior to entering school
Students and staff maintain at least 6 feet of social distancing from one another at all times
Students and staff regularly wash hands with soap and water.
Hand Sanitizer is provided in each classroom and throughout the building.
Each student has their own set of supplies and are not shared with each other.
Reduced number of students in classroom
Reduced number of students on the bus
Reduced number of students in the cafeteria
Lunch is served in the classrooms
Recess is only held in small groups.
Do you plan to have your student ride the bus to school in the morning? *
Do you plan to have your student ride the bus in the afternoon? *
Please share how the school closure has impacted your child's academic progress.
Please share how the school closure has impacted your child's social emotional well being.
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