Sarah for Vermont: Volunteer Sign Up!
Would you like to host an event, march in a parade, write a letter to the editor or reach out to neighbors and friends about our campaign? Whatever your skills and interest, we can use your help!
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What can you commit to?
Spreading the word: helping boost our social media, forwarding our newsletter to your friends, etc.!

Hosting a house party: hosting 20-30 local friends to talk with Sarah and learn more about her!

Helping with events: assisting with set-up and take-down, coordinating, maybe baking cookies!

Marching in parades with Sarah: walking and waving with Sarah in parades!

Writing a Letter to the Editor: writing a letter to your local paper about why you're voting for Sarah and why others should join you!

Taking Sarah around town: walking with Sarah in your downtown, at local events, or farmers markets, introducing her to your neighbors!
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