Get Well Call Out For Community Stories!
Welcome to the titular work of Get Well Circus: a new Melbourne-based collective of circus creatives led by artists with chronic pain, chronic illness and disability. Check us out online:

We're developing a circus show exploring the good, the bad and the gory experiences of patients with chronic* health conditions and are inviting you to share your stories with us.

In our research about navigating the healthcare system, we've read a lot about relationships and gatekeepers - so we're calling out to our community to hear those couldn't-make-it-up interactions with your healthcare providers (GPs, specialists, nurses etc.) or the reactions of your friends, family and lovers.

"After trying to contact him for a week, my doctor told me that it was all in my head and that my pain was normal after surgery. A few days later I collapsed, turns out I had a post-operative infection that landed me in hospital for a week."

This is a call out for our community! Feel free to share only one story, or share a few.

All stories are kept anonymous (we won't be collecting your details) and will be treated with utmost respect and appreciation, however if you'd like to be contacted for an interview towards a voice recording for possible inclusion in the show, please leave your email/best contact so we can get in touch!

If you are struggling or find this troubling, please reach out for help or contact Lifeline for 24/7 care on 13 11 14 or specialised arts industry support on 1800 959 500.

*We acknowledge, support and respect that language within the community is varied. We support 'persistent pain' and 'persistent illness' as valid experiences and expressions. We've consciously chosen to identify with "chronic" due to our purpose in exploring toil and trouble. This doesn't mean these conditions should be thought of as a 'life sentence'.
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Do you identify as having a chronic* health condition or disability? *
What's your "good" story?
What's your "bad" story?
What's your "ugly" story?
Are you comfortable with us finding ways to share your story/stories (anonymously)? *
Would you like to be contacted for a follow-up conversation and possibly be recorded to include your voice in the show? If yes, please include your email address below:
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