#StopAndTalk Quiz Game / Round 1

Dear Collaborators,

Welcome to the #StopAndTalk quiz game! Since we are participating in the Sphinx Meta Theater Festival together, we are working on the topic of metaverse community building together. What's metaverse? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metaverse

Why do we need to talk about the metaverse?

There are overlaps between the problems of the metaverse and those of the migration of humans to Mars. Imagine a time when technology will allow humans to live and work on Mars as they do on Earth. If humans do not develop new ways of living, interacting, and resolving problems, they will risk repeating the mistakes they have made on Earth on Mars.

Similar concerns exist regarding the metaverse's space. Imagine a time when technology allows humans to have an immersive digital experience in the metaverse that is as real as the physical world. If humans do not create new ways of living, interacting, and solving problems in the metaverse, they run the risk of bringing their real-world mistakes into the metaverse. However, the metaverse could be utilized as a great opportunity for humanity to rethink community-building, create new possibilities and responsibilities, and contribute solutions to the problems in the real world. 

Let's try out a new game: 3 Questions & 3 Solutions

1. This quiz game on a Google Form will be updated every 3 days.

2. On each Google Form, there will be a question pool and a solution pool.

3. You are going to pick 3 questions from the Question Pool to answer.

4. Your 3 answers will be put into the solution pool.

5. You add 3 new questions to the Question Pool.

6. In the next round, in an updated Google Form, you can see the updated Question Pool and Solution Pool.

7. You pick 3 questions to answer, generate 3 solutions, and add 3 new questions...

8. This game will last 30 days for 10 rounds.

9. The result of the game will be announced in the official #StopAndTalk theater video.

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If you could create a virtual planet in the metaverse, what kind of planet would you build? Why? What would you do on this planet?

What kind of character would you create for yourself in the metaverse? What about the character's appearance? What are your character’s talents? Why?



What issues in the world are you currently concerned about? If the metaverse were a new world, what would you think humans should do to avoid the same problems in the new world?


Please rate the questions from 0 to 3 points:
3 points: an excellent question
2 points: a general question
1 points: a useless question
0 points: a nonsense question

For example:   Q1: 3 points      Q2: 1 point.      Q3: 0 points

Please add 3 new questions to the question pool for the next round. Your questions may be answered by other collaborators in the next round. Since we encourage solution-thinking in this game, please make sure that:
1. Your questions could be inspirations for generating solutions.
2. Your questions should be related to the topic of the metaverse.
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