Enrollment form for Half-day Yoga Retreat  Course (29 September)                                       半日瑜珈及靜觀課程報名表 (9月29日)
Organised by Hong Kong Gold Coast Hotel & Maggie Lin  由香港黃金海岸酒店及連君婷(Maggie Lin) 合辦
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Notes on Enrollment 報名須知
1. This enrollment form only applies for the Half-day Yoga Retreat Course will be held on 29 Sep from 9am to 12nn.  
2. Each enrollment form is only valid for single applicant.
3. This form is for enrollment purpose only.
4. Each course has a minimum requirement on the number of participant.
5. If the number of applicant is sufficient, the hotel will notify the applicant on payment arrangement.
6. If the number of applicants is insufficient, a notice of cancellation of the course will be received via the registered email.

1. 此報名表僅適用於9月29日上午9點至中午12點的半日瑜珈及靜觀課程。
2. 每份報名表只適用為一位參加者報名。
3. 此表格只用作報名用途。
4. 瑜珈課程均有最少報讀人數要求。
5. 報讀人數足夠的話,參加者將經由酒店通知相關付款安排。
6. 報讀人數不足的話,參加者將經由登記電郵收取到課程取消通知書。

 English full name of applicant 參加者英文全名 *
Gender of applicant 參加者性別 *
Email 電郵 *
Please fill in the correct email address to receive the payment notification from the hotel.                                                                       請填寫正確電郵地址,以便日後收取酒店相關付款通知。
Mobile number 聯絡電話 *
Please fill in the correct mobile number for further contact.  請填寫正確手機號碼,以便日後聯絡之用。
參加者如患有長期疾病或身體疼痛請在此說明。Please state your body status if you suffer from chronic disease or body pain.
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