Howden le Wear Primary School PSHE / RSHE Consultation
Please take the time to read the draft PHSE / RSHE Policy and associated documents on our school website  so you are aware of how PSHE and RSHE are to be delivered in school through the Jigsaw programme of study. Having done this, we would be grateful if you could complete this short Google Form to inform us of your views.
Thank you for taking the time to do this.
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1. What class is your child / children in at school? (More than one box can be ticked so please include all classes for children in your family)
2. How confident were you in understanding in the draft PHSE / RHSE Policy?
Batalkan pilihan
3. Are there any changes or additions that you think should be made to the PHSE / RHSE Policy that Howden le Wear Primary School has created?
4. Thinking about Relationships and Sex Education, what do you believe is the most important subject area  that should be taught for different age ranges / Key Stages and why?
5. Thinking about Relationships and Sex Education, is there an area outlined that you think should not be taught for different age groups / Key Stages and why?
6. Is there anything that we are not proposing to cover that you think we need to address?
7. Is there any further information that you would like to be shared on our PHSE / RSHE website that is currently not there?
8. Would you like additional support at home on how to speak to your child about the topics covered within our PHSE / RHSE curriculum?
Batalkan pilihan
Please use the space below to add any additional comments you have.
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