Girls Talk Math Volunteer Sign-Up
Thanks for taking the time to volunteer for "Girls Talk Math" - a FREE math day camp for rising 9th to 12th grade students who identify as female or non-binary, hosted by the Mathematics Department of Wake Forest University.

Campers explore the history of women in mathematics and work on problems related to/inspired by the fields some of these women contributed to. Throughout the camp the attendees will create a podcast series about the lives of female mathematicians and blog posts about related math problems. Therefore, we will need volunteers for many different tasks, some math related, some not.  

In selecting the volunteers for roles that directly interact with the campers, priority will be given to underrepresented minorities in the mathematical fields. Volunteers who sign-up for such roles will need to go through a background check.

If you have any other questions, feel free to email us at, or visit our website at
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