NP Application
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Email *
Your email address will be used to send you a link to your application in our discord. YOU MUST JOIN OUR DISCORD TO RECIEVE FEEDBACK ON YOUR APPLICATION.
Main Class and Spec *
Link(s) to your main and alt armories *
Post a screenshot of your main character in combat using imgur *
Post your MAIN's recent logs *
Run and post a speed-test to the Chicago server *
Name your last TWO raiding guilds and the reason for leaving them *
e.g. poor leadership / guild disbanded / bad players / etc.
List your previous raiding experience *
Progression, US Ranking, Class(es) Played, and Guild you killed it with. Anything pre-cataclysm is irrelevant.
Take us through your opening rotation for single target. *
If you're healer, answer the following: How do you handle downtime on fights?
What resource(s) do you use to improve yourself? *
How do you handle criticism? *
How do you feel about sitting during progression? *
Do you have any commitments that could conflict with our schedule that we should know about? *
How old are you? *
Tell us a bit about yourself. Who is the person behind the computer? *
How did you hear about us? *
What is your Tag *
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