Interested in becoming a 239Tutor?  
The 239Tutor group encompasses the most professionally qualified certified teachers of good moral character, who meet standards of excellence in their subject area and are equally committed to serving local families well.

 Please let us know more about you and your experience. We will contact you using the phone number you provide.  
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Email *
How did you hear about 239Tutor?   *
Last Name *
First Name *
Is first name last name authorized to legally work in the United States? *
Street Address, City, State, Zip Code *
How long have you lived at the above address? *
Phone Number *
Preferred Tutoring Hours (Check all that apply) *
Please list subject areas for which you would be capable of and willing to tutor.
Primary K-5
Middle 6-8
Secondary 9-12
Social Sciences
Foreign Language
ACT / SAT Prep
If Middle School or High School, open the two links above.  List all specific courses you prefer to support, including electives and AP courses.  
What degree or degrees do you hold? Please specify Degree, Date Received, Issuing Institution, Major / Minor.   Should you be offered an opportunity, copies of your transcripts or degrees must be provided. *
What teaching certificates & endorsements do you hold?  Please include expiration date(s).   *
Are you currently employed as a teacher?   *
Sequentially list your teaching experience including name of school, subjects taught, or other relevant experience with most recent first. *
List any other educational advantages that you have. *
Give three references that are qualified to speak of your professional training and experience.  List your current or most recent principal or supervisor first . *
I understand that  239Tutor does not discriminate in its practices against any person because of race, color, national or ethnic origin, citizenship, gender, age, disability or veteran’s status. *
I hereby certify that the facts set forth in this initial application are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that discovery of falsification of any statement or a significant omission of fact may prevent me from being offered an opportunity, or if offered an opportunity, may subject me to immediate dismissal regardless of the time elapsed before discovery. If I am released under these circumstances, I further understand that I will be paid only through the day of release. *
I authorize 239Tutor to thoroughly interview the primary references which I have listed, any secondary references mentioned through interviews with primary references, or other individuals that know me and have knowledge regarding my testimony and work record. I also authorize 239Tutor to thoroughly investigate my work records and evaluations, my education preparation and other matters related to my suitability for the job. *
I authorize references and my former employers to disclose to 239Tutor any and all employment records, performance reviews, letters, reports, and other information related to my life and employment, without giving me prior notice of such disclosure. In addition, I hereby release my former employers, references, and all other parties from any and all claims, demands, or liabilities arising out of or in any way related to such investigation or disclosure.   I waive the right to ever personally view any references given to  239Tutor. *
Have you ever been convicted of a felony by a civil or military authority? *
I authorize 239Tutor to conduct a criminal records check. I understand and agree that any offer of opportunity that I may receive from 239Tutor is conditioned upon the receipt of background information, including criminal background information. 239Tutor may refuse to offer opportunity or terminate conditional employment if 239Tutor deems any background information unfavorable or to reflect adversely on 239Tutor or on me as an individual of good moral character. *
I understand that this is only an application and that no opportunity is being offered at this time. *
I certify that I have carefully read and do understand the above statements. *
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