Big Dill Extended (BDE) IC
MechWild's debut board. A flippable 30% + numpad ortholinear. The Big Dill Extended or BDE for short. The BDE will be sold as a DIY kit. The final board will be hotswap but soldering will be required.

This form's primary purpose is to determine how many units will be offered for this initial run. We are also accepting feedback for future runs and potential products.

Check out the GeekHack thread if you haven't already
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KLE Layouts
Username *
Platform *
Will you be ordering a Big Dill Extended? *
Which color case would you prefer for your BDE? *
If you are getting a BDE, what will you be using it for? If you don't want one, make a sad face. *
What about the BDE interests you? *
Price point? Layout? DIY-ness? Something else?
What changes or additional offerings would you like for this board?
Any questions, comments, or concerns? *
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