Sentence for Life ARC sign-up
Please enter your email and preferred format (your name is not mandatory) to get an ARC copy of Sentence for Life, a dark, steamy gay romance set in prison. The book will be out 29th May in all formats and on KU. 


“Sometimes, we are in a place where we don’t want to be. And maybe, that place is the only place we should be after all.”

Theo knows he will become a star lawyer, like the one his Dad paid to keep him out of prison... he's wrong on both counts. He thinks the first day of jail is brutal; meeting his new cellmate redefines the word. Theo's world not only falls apart; it shrinks to the size smaller than a dorm bathroom he has to share with a man who doesn’t belong in his world.

Ryker is as strong as a fortress, one that he had to rebuild from the ruins of his own self. Serving the last year of his long sentence, he is terrified of having his freedom at arm's reach.

Ryker is everything Theo fears; Theo is everything Ryker loathes. But being locked up together in a tiny space is a powerful force sparking the fires of love, and neither of the men are prepared for the turmoil this raging inferno will unleash.

Are Ryker and Theo who they think they are? Or will new lives be born, like the phoenix etched in Ryker's skin, out of the fire of their love?

Content warnings here: "Sentence for Life" content - MAXIME JAZ WRITES (


There are only a few. Please don't distribute the ARC copy on any platform. I am happy to give them out, if somebody wants a free copy, they should reach out to me. Please avoid majors spoilers as much as possible if you leave a review, or mask it (on Goodreads).

Otherwise, my ARCs are "no strings attached". This means that you read this at your own pace, leisure, time, and you review it, or not. This is entirely up to you. I don't put pressure on readers or obligations. I am already incredibly honored you are interested in the book at all. Please check out my style in my published books' previews on amazon. These are freely available. Please only sign up if you click with my style, and don't shy from third person, past, and multi/omni POV with head-hopping. 

US spelling is used in the book, with some liberties I take on purpose as a multilingual author. 

All my links are here should you wish to check out my books or reach out to me: Maxime Jaz | Instagram, TikTok | Linktree

Thank you.



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