Our Lady Facilities Use Request
To request the use of a facility at Our Lady of Perpetual Help, fill out this online form and a staff member will respond to your request within one business day. Questions? Call the church office at 901-754-1204. Please be sure to review our Facilities Use Policies and Procedures.
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Email *
Your Name (first and last) *
Your phone number *
Organization/ Ministry Name
Event/ meeting title to be listed on our church Calendar *
Space requested (check all that apply) *
Date Requested *
Start Time of Event/ Meeting *
End Time of Event/ Meeting *
Set-up Time (if applicable)
What is the frequency of this event/ meeting? 
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Technology Needs
In Fr. Gresham Hall, St. Therese Hall, and Meeting Rooms 109 A & B, OLPH has projectors, screens and laptops to assist you in your event. We encourage you to bring your own equipment and offer standard HDMI connections for your connection needs. Please indicate your Technology Needs below to provide us with details of your equipment requirements.
Special Requests
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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