27th Margot Brown Wheelchair Regatta - September 27, 2025
Margot Brown Wheelchair Regatta
September 27, 2025 at Encinal Yacht Club
PICYA is hosting its 27th Annual Wheelchair Regatta. This event will once again provide veterans, many confined to wheelchairs, with the rare opportunity to experience a power boat cruise on the Oakland Estuary and San Francisco Bay along the San Francisco City front.
On their return, our guests will be treated to a picnic luncheon and entertainment on the grounds of Encinal Yacht Club. Most of our honored guests are U.S. Veterans residing in Northern California Veterans’ Homes and Hospitals. In order to make this event successful, powerboat skippers/owners are needed to donate their time and boat to host one or more guests aboard their vessel.

Volunteers from each of our PICYA member clubs will make this a most memorable day for our guests, and for those donating their assistance as well. Many volunteers are also needed ashore to assist in welcoming, boarding, preparing and serving lunch, and entertainment. This event is not possible without donations of items needed for the event as well as tax deductible cash donations to pay for the many items we are unable to get donated for the event. If you can assist with this rewarding community service project.  Please fill out the online form or go to the PICYA Website to download a form to mail in.

We are looking forward to another rewarding event!

If you need additional information or have any questions, please call
Linda Blue at (510) 851-4387 or e-mail linda.a.blue@gmail.com

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