1st Ionian TTM Registration form - Business executives
1st Technology Transfer Meeting (TTM) in VR-AR & Audiovisual Technologies - Corfu, Oct 6-9, 2022  (https://techtransfermeet.ionio.gr;   https://www.ioniantechtransfer.com/ )
Organized by the Technology Transfer Office (TTO) of the Ionian University (Director: Prof.Th.Exarchos) 

Your personal data requested herein by the TTO of the Ionian University are recorded and collected by the TTO (under the responsibility of its Director Prof.Th.Exarchos), in accordance with the applicable legislation on Data Protection, exclusively for the purpose of registration in the Ionian TTM and will be preserved by the TTO only until the final day of the Ionian TTM, unless you grant permission during the Ionian TTM for further preservation for informational purposes.
By registering herein you are assumed to grant your permission for the aforementioned use of your personal data.
Please note that during the Ionian TTM, you will be requested to declare expressly in a further form whether you wish to grant permission for further preservation of your personal data in order to receive feedback and follow up information about the 1st Ionian TTM or information about next Ionian TTM
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Company  *
*In case of solopreneurs or freelancers, please note your name as used in your business activity as business brand
First Name *
Last Name *
E-mail  *
Technologies used in your business products and/or business operation *
Do you wish to make a presentation in the 1st Ionian TTM *
(*In case of presentation) Could you please specify the technological/scientific fields to which you will refer in your presentation? *
(*In case of presentation) - Could you define the subject of your Presentation
Please make a description of the subject-matter of your Presentation. It is not necessary to submit the final title
Do you wish to make a Networking Meeting? *
Could you identify your objectives out of the 1st Ionian TTM
We would be grateful if you could define which are your expectations out of the 1st Ionian TTM, based on the objectives described in the 1st Ionian TTM website ( (https://techtransfermeet.ionio.gr   - www.ioniantechtransfer.com) 
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