Sign up to participate in future fat centered research!
In the next few months, I will be working on a dissertation project that focuses specifically on fat Black women and our special understandings of anti-fatness as anti-Blackness. I will be developing new ways of measuring medical anti-fatness through a systematic review, in-depth interviews, and a survey of fat Black women. If you would like to be involved in that research in any capacity, sign up here to be contacted! 

Please note that I am currently working on getting funding for my project, but I am intending to give everyone who contributes at least small compensation for the incredibly generous contribution of their time and energy. For those who are able to assist me in getting funding for this project, please make sure to note that in the form if possible!
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What is your name?  *
How should I contact you about this project? (Email, phone number, social media DM is all fine—just let me know!)  *
How would you like to participate in this project? (Please note that only those who identify as Black women, including non-binary folks who still identify as Black women [iyk,yk], may act as participants. Please take this into account when checking the boxes below.)  *
Is there anything else you’d like for me to know? (For example, is there a way in which you’d like to participate that isn’t listed above?) 
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