SCLS Scholarship Application for Lead the Way Conference
Presented by the UW Madison iSchool Lead the Way Conference is scheduled for April 24 - 25 in Madison. More information can be found here:

Deadline to apply is April 10, 2022
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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Your Library *
Is this your first time attending this conference? *
If you answered no, when did you last attend this conference?
How will your library benefit from your attendance at this conference? Please provide specific examples. *
Continued (if you need additional space): How will your library benefit from your attendance at this conference? Please provide specific examples.
By applying, I acknowledge that accepting this scholarship is contingent upon my attending the conference. If I am unable to attend, I will notify SCLS immediately. *
Within 30 days of my return from the conference, I will submit a written report of what I learned at the conference to SCLS. *
Should I be unable to fulfill these requirements, I understand that I may be asked to reimburse SCLS for the scholarship within 90 days of the conference. *
I am the director of the library or I have permission from my director to apply for this scholarship *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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