Coalition in Motion Black History Month Celebration – Food Donation Sign-Up
As part of our celebration of unity, culture, and community, we invite you to share a dish from your heritage. Please complete the form below to let us know what you will be bringing.
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NOTE: Your information will only be used for sending Latino Caucus-related emails and text messages. It will be kept confidential and will not be shared with any third party.
First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Phone *
What type of dish will you bring? (Example: Jollof Rice, Tacos, Fried Plantains, Biryani)   *
What culture or country is your dish from?  *
Does your dish contain any allergens (e.g., nuts, dairy, gluten)?  *
Would you be able to bring serving utensils? *
How many people will your dish serve? *
Would you like to contribute in other ways? *
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