US-RSE Community and Travel Funds Application

Part of the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation grant has been earmarked for Community and Travel Funds (C&T). The goals of these funds are to:

  • Grow and diversify the US-RSE community and larger RSE community
  • Connect people within the US-RSE community
  • Assist individuals to grow in their own career
  • Increase visibility and viability of Research Software Engineering as a career
  • Create opportunities for underserved community members
Please review the Community and Travel Funds website ( for more details and contact information.

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Email *
Name *
Affiliation *
Description of previous US-RSE activities *
How have you interacted with US-RSE before? Some examples are: attended US-RSE events; volunteer with working groups; collaborated on a paper, workshop, or presentation on behalf of or hosted by US-RSE.
Requested amount (in dollars) *
Date of event (or range) *
Community or Individual? *
  • Community: These benefit a group of individuals within the community (e.g., hosting a regional group meetup)
  • Individual: These benefit an individual applicant (e.g., a travel reimbursement)
Describe the purpose of the requested funding.
If the funding is for an event, provide details about the event and your qualifications for hosting/organizing the proposed event. If the funding is for attending a conference, provide the specific conference, including date and location.
Provide a budget justification for the requested amount.  *
Describe any funding you have already obtained for this proposal, any funding you are currently seeking in addition to this, or matching funding you will obtain if you receive the US-RSE grant.
If no other funding is available, answer "None".
How will this proposal, if granted, benefit US-RSE or the wider RSE community? *
If this is for an individual travel request, please also include how this benefits you as a RSE or RSE-ally professional.
Describe how the proposal aligns with the mission of US-RSE. *
Describe your plan for evaluating the success of the proposal.
As an expectation of funding, we will ask you to write a short post for the US-RSE news and/or newsletter describing the proposal and its impact and/or outcomes. Are there additional outputs or deliverables you expect to result from this proposal?
If so, please describe them here. If not, respond with "None".
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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