Register for the Transnational Assembly of Workers' Solidarity in Bremen
Dear Participant,

we are pleased that you would like to register for the Transnational Assembly of Workers' Solidarity in Bremen. The event is taking place on 19.11.2022 from 15:00 to 18:00 at Kleines Haus of Theater Bremen.

This registration form helps us to prepare the events in the best possible way, so we can collectively create a powerful experience. There are 150 seats available. We will confirm your registration as soon as possible.

We will keep your data strictly confidential.

Thank you for being with us,

Your Team of EA
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What is your name and surname? *
What is your email address? *
What is your date of birth?
What are your pronouns?
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Where is your current residence?
Do you or your family have migration/flight experience?
Which languages do you speak more or less fluently? Would you need an interpreter if the events take place in English?
Have you ever been involved in transnational organizing/activism? If yes, how?
I want to participate in the ... *
Please name the institution(s), organization(s), movement(s), or group(s) you are currently part of.
What are the main fields, issues, problems, struggles and localities that you engage with?
What activist challenges are you currently struggling with where you hope to gain new insights at the event?
Could you imagine being ready for a written, video or podcast interview that would then be published on our website?
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What is particularly important to you personally, politically, socially, logistically, etc. so you can experience the events as a space as valuable as possible?
What experiences from previous events do you not want to relive and what ideas do you have on how to prevent these problems to occur?
By filling out this form I give consent to European Alternatives to process my personal data by law under GDPR rule. *
May we sign you up to our European Alternatives Newsletter so that you will stay up to date with our projects, trainings, and news?
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Is there anything else important you would like to tell or ask us?
Thank you for your registration! Your participation will be confirmed in the coming days. We are looking forward to get to know you!
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