Women Career Accelerator
Hello & Welcome!

We are excited to be co-pilots in your career exploration journey: you will be the driver, but as co-pilots, we think we can offer some great guidance on how you can have a successful transition from university to professional life!

Thanks for registering, as this will allow us to personalise our content even more!
Once registered, please  proceed with the payment. You will receive a confirmation email once the payment is confirmed.

European University College Association
Rue de Treves 49 bte 3, 1040 Brussels - Belgium
IBAN: BE13 6430 0408 9639

We are excited you are considering entrusting us with your professional dreams!

We will try our best,
The EucA Staff

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Email *
Name: *
Family Name: *
At which point in your academic studies are you at the moment? *
Field of studies and university: *
What are your motivations to participate in this course? *
What do you expect to learn from this course? *
The program foresees a registration fee to cover the venue and other expenses. Please let us know which category applies to you. Accessibility clause: if you are a motivated student who are not able to pay for the full tuition, please send your motivation letter to info@euca.eu  *
We always try to reach more young people! How did you find about this opportunity? *
That's a wrap from our side for the moment. Do you want to add something else you think we should be aware of?
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