Session 7.0 - Introduction:  The Epidemic
Please watch the video below and answer the discussion question(s).  This assignment is due on Saturday, January 9, 2021.
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Have you ever been bored at Mass? Discover what really happens at Mass so you’ll never be bored again.
Please note:  This video talks about a pandemic.  This was filmed years ago and has no correlation to COVID, however, given everything going on right now, it will definitely be relatable.  The beginning is a little difficult to watch because it reminds us of our panic at the beginning of our current pandemic, but please watch all of the way through.  There is a correlation between the child that is able to save all of the people from their pandemic to Jesus and the child's parents and God.

Click on this link to watch the video:
What is the one idea in this short film that you found most helpful or spoke to you about the correlation between God and the parents? *
How did this video make you feel given the current pandemic we are experiencing?  I personally felt it hit very close to home and was a little unsettling at first.  But the beauty in the video is the family that is able to give their only child to save the world.  We know we have created vaccines without needing to do something like this, but think of how God gave his only Son to help save us from the epidemic of sin. *
Do you have any unanswered questions about Session 7.0?
Please submit this lesson and go to Session 7.1 The One Thing
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