Sensual Shibari. Beginners weekend *FULL*

Welcome to a full initiation weekend for Shibari.

***The course is full, But please register to be on the waiting list***

New to rope?
Read more about what it is and my approach:


Let go. Surrender. Give up control.



This class is a full weekend and a first initiation to the art of tying and being tied.
It will give you a fantastic introduction to Shibari, inspired from japanese and western rope bondage, with sensuality and embodyment as the most distinguishing approach.

We will practice how to use the ropes to build connection and playfullness, rope technique and explore the polarities of acting and surrendering within relationships and within one self.



The class is for beginners, who have tied a little before, or have no earlier experience.

You can both sign up alone or come with a friend or partner.



The teachings have their roots in exploring intimate connections, where the ropes become a mere tool in order to practice (or come back to) something more fundamentally human. In order to meet through sensuality, no matter if it is with oneself or others, a deep presence and allowing is required.
This state of presence is what we will curiously and playfully approach through the ropes during this course.

You will learn the fundamentals of rope; basic rope technique, several different tying patterns as well as improvisation. You will also learn how to physically move more playfully and comfortably together with another person, in order to meet in relaxation, playfulness and trust.
You will get the chance to
play and practice within different themes and sensations like tempo, tenderness, atmosphere, pain and soft touch.

You will walk away with both a beautiful experience, a new set of skills and a deeper connection with yourself.

We will meet in what is; being a beginner, laughter, surrender, challange, pleasure, curiosity and technicalities.



November 25-26

Saturday: 10-17.30
Sunday: 11-17.30

Stockholm, Södermalm

The cost is 2500-3200kr

I have chosen to have a sliding scale to be able to offer spots to people with different economic situations.
Choose an amount on the scale that is possible for you to pay depending on your income. Please pay full price if you have the possibility.

There is also a possibility for a limited number of people to make a deal where the price can be reduced in exchange for some practical help before and after the classes.



Molly S Lindau is an artist working with sexuality, emotional health and growth through classes, studies and artistic work.

Her way of tying is inspired by dance, contact improvisation, massage, meditation, bdsm and tantra. There is a focus on presence, sensuality and the deep contact between people, where the rope becomes a tool and a framework to experience one self and others.


Hope to meet you soon!
If you have any questions contact me at
Love Molly
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Full name *
Email (make sure to spell it correctly, because this is how I will get in contact with you) *
Phone (only used if I need to get in contact during the course)
Gender  (Registration is temporarily closed for men to keep the gender balance. But please register to be on the waiting list)
Note if any food allergies.
In the classes we will practice together and with each other, meaning we will change partners and meet people of all genders. It is therefore good if you feel comfortable being physically close to new people of mixed genders and feel some confidence in taking care of your own basic boundaries. We will also actively work on creating a safe space and to practice asking ouselves what we want and not and communicate this. *
Do you have earlier experiences of shibari or other bodily/sensual/explorative activities and what is your comfortability around spaces exploring intimacy?
The classes will be held in Swedish, unless there are participants who do not speak Swedish, then the class will be in English. *
How did you find out about the course?
By clicking this box you commit to your spot and payment.
Cancellation is possible up to 2 weeks before the start of the course, and a full refund will then be made.
If cancellation occurs later than 2 weeks before the start of the course, a refund will only be made if your place is taken by another participant.

The cost is on a sliding scale where you can pay what is possible for you depending on your economic situation.
Please, do pay full price if you can afford it.
Anything else to ask or tell?
Looking forward to meet you and tie together! Love Molly
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