2022 Spring Yoga Teacher Training
This is the application for 2022 Spring Yoga Teacher Training at 612 Jungle.  Please complete this form, you will receive a response within 5 business days.  
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E-Mail-Adresse *
What is your full name? (please indicate nickname as well) *
Date of Birth *
Mailing Address *
Phone Number *
Do you have an established yoga practice already (this is not required)? *
Why do you want to take Yoga Teacher Training? *
What do you hope to learn from Yoga Teacher Training? *
What do you plan to do with your certification? *
What made you choose 612 Jungle for your 200 hour YTT program? *
Will you be applying for a scholarship?  (We offer a scholarship opportunity that is reserved for BIPOC individuals with a presence and commitment to the community.  The application for scholarship will open January 1, 2022 and close January 15, 2022.  In order to apply for scholarship your enrollment agreement and deposit must be completed.  ) *
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