30 Day Ilm Challenge 2024 (Week 1)
ඔබේ ප්‍රගතිය සුරැකීමට Google වෙත පුරන්න. තව දැන ගන්න
ඉ-තැපෑල *

What was Prophet Muhammad known for in Mecca?

ලකුණු 1

At what age was the prophecy revealed to Muhammad?

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Where did Prophet Muhammad frequently retreat for contemplation?

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how does Allah view the quantity of a person's sins when they ask for forgiveness?
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What condition is mentioned for receiving Allah's forgiveness for sins as mentioned in the hadith?

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Asking forgiveness from Allah with sincere faith results in forgiveness, regardless of the amount of sin.

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What is the primary reason for performing Sujud al-Sahw (the prostration of forgetfulness) during prayer?

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How many prostrations are made in Sujud al-Sahw?

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Sujud al-Sahw is required if a person unintentionally omits a Sunnah act in the prayer.

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සබිමිටි කරන්න
පෝරමය හිස් කරන්න
මෙම අන්තර්ගතය Google විසින් හෝ Google ගේ අනුදැනුමකින් තොරව නිර්මාණය කල එකකි. අනිසි භාවිතය වාර්තා කිරීම - සේවා කොන්දේසි - පෞද්ගලිකත්ව ප්‍රතිපත්තිය