Petition to the Hong Kong SAR Government in the banning of the use of Glue Traps ---- 向香港特別行政區政府請願禁止使用捕鼠膠

I support the TOTAL BAN of the sticky "Glue Traps" from being legally used and sold in the Hong Kong SAR. 


I support this potion in calling on the government to ban the use, import and possession of these grotesque, and indiscriminate killing devices, as they are known to kill local endemic and migratory wildlife, slowly and painfully. 


I feel that the ongoing use, possession or importation of these "Glue Traps" should be a direct contravention of our humane care for wildlife and against the intent implied by the Wild Animal Ordinance (Cap. 170), which should serve to protect the local wildlife and migratory species, but the enforcement of this ordinance is sorely lacking.


OFFICIALLY  - I/We supports the banning of the use of Glue Traps with in the Hong Kong SAR, and as of this point forward I/we will not purchase or use any of these Glue Traps within our stores/premises/dwellings or on our projects.”

正式 – 我/我們支持在香港特別行政區禁止使用捕鼠膠,從現在開始,我/我們不會在商店/處所/住所內或為項目購買或使用任何捕鼠膠。

Name 姓名 *
I am a Hong Kong Resident/Company/Department or NGO. 我是香港居民公司部門或非政府組織. *
First letters & the first 3 digits of HKID Card
(or First five letters/digits of passport number if non-HK resident)



If a Non-Hong Kong Resident, please specify country of residence.
Email 電郵 *
Phone Number with Country Code (Optional)


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