Team Sask Mission Staff Application | 2025 Canada Summer Games - St. John's, NL
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The 2025 Canada Summer Games will take place in St. John's, NL from August 8 - August 25, 2025. Team Sask will send a mission staff team of approximately 20 highly motivated and energetic leaders to support our athletes and coaches. This is a volunteer position; however, your expenses, including shared accommodations and transportation will be covered, and a daily stipend will be offered to cover meals and incidentals.

Please review the Roles & Responsibilities of a Mission Staff before you apply.
All information provided is confidential and will be used only for the purpose intended.
Name: *
Gender: *
Address: *
City/Town: *
Postal code: *
Primary telephone: *
Current or former occupation: *
(Optional and voluntary) Please select below if any of the following categories are applicable to you.
Preference will be given to those individuals who can commit to the entire Games; however, single phase commitments will be considered. Mission staff will be expected to arrive at least one day prior to the Team arriving so that they can get settled into the hotel, become orientated to the region/venues, and are well prepared for the arrival of Team Sask.
I can commit to: *
I would like to help out with:
This section will allow you to select the area or sport that you would prefer to work with. Possible duties include office/administrative support, communications, special event coordination, and sport liaison. If applying for the entire Games, please ensure you select sports in both Phase 1 & Phase 2. If selected, best efforts will be made to place you with your preferred interests or sports.
Sports - Phase 1 (select your top 3 choices)
Sports - Phase 2 (select your top 3 choices)
Other mission staff duties of interest:
Please list any past multi-sport games related experience (athlete, coach, manager, mission staff, official, medical, administrator, etc.). *
Please list any provincial, regional, national, or international events in which you have participated as an athlete, coach, manager, official, volunteer, or administrator. *
Why are you interested in being a member of the 2025 Team Sask mission staff? *
What are the three (3) greatest strengths you will bring to the role of mission staff? *
Pre-games commitments:
Prior to the Canada Games, mission staff will be invited to attend one (1) mission training and orientation event (which will likely take place on a weekday with a possible overnight). Mission staff will be required to attend two (2) coach/manager meetings (online or in person meetings). Mission staff are also expected to build a relationship with their designated team(s) prior to arriving at the Games which means attending one training, selection or competition event for their sport(s). Please indicate below if you will be able to commit to all the meetings and events noted above.
Are you able to fulfill these pre-Games commitments? *
Comments or additional information:
References:  Please provide the name, cell phone, and email address for at least two references that can speak to your experience, skills and abilities.

Reference #1
Reference #2
The intent is to finalize the selection of the mission staff by June 15, 2024.

The Saskatchewan Games Council and Team Sask are committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion. We pledge to select mission staff that not only have strong skills and abilities but are representative of our province's diversity.

Once selected, all members of the Team Sask mission staff will be required to complete a criminal record and vulnerable sector check, provide proof of a valid driver's license, complete the online Respect in Sport for Activity Leaders Program, and complete an online CCES anti-doping course.
Contact Greg Perreaux, Team Sask Chef de Mission
(306) 530-2161
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