Your Story Could Help Someone Quit – Take This Short Survey 🩷

Thank you for participating in this research study. I’m exploring the experiences of people who have tried to quit smoking to better understand the challenges, triggers, and strategies that impact behaviour change.

Your insights will help shape digital solutions that support smoking cessation efforts.
All responses are anonymous and confidential. Personal information will not be shared. The survey will take around 10-15 minutes.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
How old are you? *
  Can you tell me a little about your smoking history?   *
How long did you smoke?
On average, how many cigarettes did you smoke per day?  
Have you attempted to quit smoking before?  
If yes, how many times have you tried to quit?
What motivated you to quit smoking (or attempt to quit)?  
What were the biggest challenges or triggers you faced while trying to quit? (Check all that apply)  
Can you share how you managed or overcame these triggers?  
What methods did you use to quit? (Check all that apply)  
If you used digital tools, apps, or wearables, what was your experience like?
Did social support (friends, family, or online communities) play a role in your quit attempt? If yes, how?  
Have you ever relapsed?  
If yes, what do you think led to your relapse?
If you have successfully quit, what has helped you stay smoke-free?  
What do you think could have made quitting easier for you?  
Is there anything you wish you had known before you started trying to quit?  
What advice would you give to someone trying to quit smoking today?
Would you be open to doing an anonymous 30-minute follow-up interview (Zoom or phone call) if needed?  
If yes, please leave your email (only if comfortable). This will only be used for scheduling the call.  
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