Workshop on Corporate Restructuring and Bankruptcy
Workshop Dates: August 5, 6 and 7

For more information about the workshop, click here

Cost of Attendance: $3,000
-Early Bird: Register before May 1st and get a discount of $500
-Groups of 3+: If more than 3 people from your company will be in attendance, each attendee will get a discount of $500
Payment Details can be found at the end of this form.
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Would you like to attend our workshop on August 5-7, 2024?
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The basic cost of attendance is $3,000. We are offering an early-bird registration discount of $500 for those who sign up prior to May 1, 2024. In addition, we are offering a discount of $500 per person for those companies who plan to have 3 or more people in attendance. Please access the payment portal below to complete your registration:

Are there any additional questions/comments you would like to share? 
If you would like to add this event to your Google Calendar, please click on the link below.
Se enviará una copia de tus respuestas por correo electrónico a la dirección que has proporcionado.
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