Fall Open House Registration
Visit the Home of the Sparks!
Embers Academy is a private, independent school, rooted in the
Catholic faith, serving grades pre-kindergarten through fifth grade.

Come see what makes our Sparks shine, including:
All-School Mass • Band • Sports • Art • Choir • Before & After Care

Schedule of Events:
8:45 - Registration and Refreshments
9:00 - School Tour
9:30 - Presentation from our Head of School, Lisa Hanretty
10:00 - Q&A Panel with Administration and Current Parents

Parents ambassadors will be also on-hand to answer questions!

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
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Student's Name
Student's Gender
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Current Grade
Parent's Name
Phone Number
Which Open House date will you be attending?
How did you hear about us?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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