STEM Ecosystems Quarterly Call Capture - December 2019
Thank you so much for taking the time to complete this form. The information you provide helps us better connect ecosystems, understand what support you need, and allows us to find and maintain new funding opportunities to support the larger initiative.

This survey should only take 10 minutes. Thank you again for your time!
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What sector is the lead/backbone organization for your STEM Learning Ecosystem?
What are your biggest accomplishments of 2019?
Who was most impacted by those accomplishments? Can you provide a brief quantitative overview of impact (e.g. how many students, teachers, etc.)?
What are your goals for 2020?  (Summarize your top 1-5)
Who will be impacted by those 2020 goals?  Please provide both a qualitative and quantitative overview.
How can the SLECoP best support you to achieve those goals?
First Name
Last Name
STEM Learning Ecosystem
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