Your Stage Profile
Thank you in advance for your interest in joining Cygnus Speakers powered by Cygnus Ventures. Please read this form, gather the elements together and complete in full and we'll get back to you in the coming weeks as we get nearer to launch.

Netfang *
We want to know as much about you as possible, before sending you out into the world...
Full Name *
Email Address *
Phone (+...) *
Website URL (https://...) *
LinkedIn URL (https://...) *
Your Location (city & country) *
Availability to Travel *
I am available to travel:
Your Speaker Headline & Strapline *
Short Speaker Bio (75 -100 words) *
Are you a registered Member of the Grey Swan Guild? *
Tell us about your experience as a Speaker and whether you were paid, unpaid or haven't yet had the experience.
Your Speaker Experience (check all that apply):  *
On stage at a live event
On a digital platform
At a hybrid event (live and digital)
As a Keynote Speaker
As a Master of Ceremonies (MC)
As a member of a Panel
As a Lecturer
As a Workshop Facilitator
As a Masterclass Facilitator
Submit up to 5 speaking topics. Each topic should include: 
  1. Speech title
  2. A short description 
  3. 3 - 5 Audience takeaways 
Topic 1 *
Topic 2
Topic 3
Topic 4
Topic 5
Please provide 3 to 5 written testimonials from people who have paid you to speak.
Testimonial 1 *
Testimonial 2 *
Testimonial 3 *
Testimonial 4
Testimonial 5
We are moving quickly and want to make you aware of some of the things we will be asking you for shortly.
Are you Speaker Bureau ready? *
In Process
You are currently paid 4 to 5 figures to speak
You have a 2 to 3 minute high-quality showreel
You have a speaker website or a dedicated Speaker page on your website
You have a unique selling proposition
You have 3 - 5 written testimonials from people who have paid you to speak
A Short Bio (75 to 100 words)
High resolution colour photos (head and action shots)
A short written introduction to bring you on stage
Bonus Materials: do you have one or more of the following? *
One or more books
Video content or YouTube Channel
Articles in Journals/Magazines
A blog, Medium or Substack channel page
A Podcast
A Community Newsletter
Links: Provide the titles and links to your Bonus Materials (https://...) *
Speaker Training:  *
Are you interested in training to master your craft as a Speaker?
Message: (anything you would like to add)
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