Balancing Sustainability in the Post-Pandemic Normal: Key Drivers

7th DECEMBER 2020 (Monday) at 2.00pm

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It has become clear now that governments cannot just focus on material development to sustain long-run economic development. Despite the global common being advanced when countries were still fueling their economies using fossil fuels to stimulate rapid growth, it has become increasingly obvious that a balance must be struck between material development, ecological and environmental balance, health, and socioeconomic equality. The Coronavirus (COVID19) pandemic not only has demonstrated the need to protect the environment, the over-focus on economic development can undermine all the four critical pillars. This lecture addresses this balance by examining empirically selected proxies where data is available on how countries with varying levels of economic development have addressed the links between GDP/capita and renewable energy shares in total energy consumption, hospital beds per thousand people, and income inequality.
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