Creating Immersive / Interactive Content for Spatial / XR
The following questions are about creating content for devices like the Apple Vision Pro (AVP) and potentially other Mixed/VR-style headsets. 

For this survey, imagine there is an application which presents a feed (like Twitter) of different interactive content Apple calls "Spatial", also known as Mixed or Experiential Reality (XR). Immersive storytelling is growing way to engage audiences with these devices. In this app, the audience can "subscribe" or "follow" creators like you, topics, "shows", and/or channels, as well as discover new experiences. They can discover and click into your interactive experiences. A Disney+ for immersive. This could be a demo for a game, a short for a film project, an educational experience (How cheese is made), an episodic series of content, a mystery to be solved, an avant-garde deconstruction of western capitalism, and more.

For writers, the goal is to help build and grow audiences and awareness for your work and stories by partnering you with visual creatives with similar goals. This leads to uniques ways to iterate and workshop characters and story lines, build a following for your world-building, and data and traction to parlay into writing gigs, publishing, studio deals, or game financing. 

For audiences, the goal is to help them discover a diverse collection of these new and emerging experiences - giving them cool things to do with this technology.

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Who's Asking?
My name is Josh Babetski (@quixado online). I help and collaborate with people and organizations to research, design, and build with emerging technology in fun and engaging ways. Please reach out with any questions.

This survey should only take a few minutes to complete with 5 required questions and a few optional ones. No personally identifying information will be used or shared with anyone.
What are your creative specialties?
What are you primary reasons for posting your content online or submitting your work now?
Not really for this
Mostly for this
Progressing my professional career
Earn money from my craft
Getting picked up on a show
Sell a script
Build an audience for my story universe
Build my creative network / find representation
For feedback and improvement of my work
Sharing my work, successes, failures, lessons, & craft with others
Practicing my craft / exploring other genres, styles, mediums
In my ideal world, I most want my writing to result in… *
Do you have any VR devices which you use regularly (or have pre-ordered)?
If there was a community and resources to help pair you up with visual artists to collaborate on your narrative and their visuals to create more interactive and grand story worlds, educational materials, games and puzzles, and more…
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