Good Books Client Assessment
*Please note, this assessment is available in Spanish on our website

If you are interested in receiving services from Good Books please take the time to fill out this form. We will be in contact in a week or less with a response. Thank you!

Good Books, LLC is an employee-owned enterprise of The Industrial Commons. We are a minority , women-led, bookkeeping cooperative located in western North Carolina. We provide bilingual services related to bookkeeping, translations, and notarizations. We have experience working with non-profit organizations and businesses of different types. Our mission is to increase financial capacity and strengthen community-oriented businesses by proving effective bilingual bookkeeping services.

The following questionnaire will help us determine if we are a good fit for your business. Your information is confidential and will only be share with employees of Good Books.

Thank you for reaching out!

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Email *
Please provide your business name, your name, role, and phone number *
Which services interest you?  Check all that apply. *
Are you incorporated and/or organized with your state? What type of entity? *
Give a brief overview of your business. Please include location, number of years or months in business, market/business type, and size. *
Do you have a bookkeeping system in place? *
Are you up to date with your taxes and required government items? *
What are the streams of income for your business? Please provide your business' annual gross revenue. *
Rate your business' organization skills (1 being low, 5 being the highest). *
Rate your level of responsiveness in regard to communication (1 being low, 5 being the highest) *
What are your values and who does your business serve? *
We value diversity and equity, are you a minority or female owned business? If you are a non-profit, is your board made up of minorities or women? *
How did you hear about us? *
Is there anything else you would like to add?
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