SSS Questionnaire for Current Students
Student Satisfactory survey
อีเมล *
Name of the Student *
Gender *
Category *
State of Domicile *
Nationality  *
Email ID *
Class *
Semester *
College Roll No. *
University enrolment number
Aadhar Number
Mobile  *
Year of Joining *
What degree program are you pursuing now? *
If Other, then specify the program name
What subject area are you currently pursuing? *
If Other, them specify the subject name
Mobile No. *
Year of joining the college *
Please confirm this is the first and only time you answer this survey. *
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แบบฟอร์มนี้ถูกสร้างขึ้นภายใน Post Graduate Government College, Sector-11 รายงานการละเมิด