hello82 LA Event Reservation Form
Hello friends!

hello82 LA is your ultimate K-POP playground and go-to Fan Space Community for sharing your love of music with others! Wherever you are, whoever you are!

To celebrate your bias’ birthday, anniversary, comeback, etc. at hello82 LA, 
use this form to reserve your day with us.


Please understand we will try to accommodate as many events as we can, but may not be able to accept everyone's requests.

After filling out this reservation form, all accepted events will be contacted to go over details.
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Email *
Are you reserving an event date in March?

(Only reservations for March are being accepted at this time.)
Your name *
Preferred email for contact *
Your age

NOTE: If you are interested in hosting, we ask that you are 18 years of age or older.
Hosts younger than 18 MUST have a parent/guardian present as their co-host at all times.
Do you have any previous experience in hosting events? If so, please tell us about it! *
*We will not be providing any staffing or support outside of operating the sales space for any events hosted. Please understand you will be solely responsible for planning all other elements of your event.*
Event Name
(Please limit to 10 words or less)
Please describe your event.
(Please include artist/fandom name, if necessary.)
If you will be promoting this event on social media, which accounts will you be using?
(Please specify which platform: Instagram, X, TikTok, etc.)

Please also leave your social media account(s) below.
Will there be vendors at your event?
If so, please list out their social media accounts and what they will be selling.

NOTE: Selling photocards and other official merchandise does NOT qualify someone as a vendor.

Please also note for PC Trading events, no more than THREE (3) vendors (including yourself, if applicable) can be accommodated.
Which week would you like to reserve?
Please select all your preferred weeks.


(All dates requested will be selected depending on availability.)
Please list out the dates you would like to host your event in your preferred order below.

EXAMPLE: 1. Saturday, March 1
2. Sunday, March 2, etc.
What time would you like to reserve for your event?
(Available hours are from WED - SUN: 11:00 AM - 6:00 PM)

NOTE: You may arrive as early as 10:30 AM to set up for your event. Please also note that ALL hosts and vendors must have all decorations and tables cleared before 6:00 PM.
What is your anticipated attendance for this event?
(Can be an approximated/ballpark number)
What equipment will you be requesting from us for this event? (Check all that apply) *
By filling out and submitting this form, you acknowledge and understand that your event may be subject to last minute or day-of cancellation for failing to abide by the event guidelines set by hello82 LA.
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