2022 Cal Football Season Predictions
2022 portends change for the Bears.  Many familiar faces on offense have departed and some familiar foes will soon depart for another conference.  How will the Bears handle this tumultuous time in the Pac-12?  Today we're predicting the Bears' chances of winning each game in the 2021 season.  For each game, tell us how likely the Bears are to defeat their opponent.  Please keep your predictions between 0 and 100 (for example, if Cal has a 50% chance of winning, enter "50"). Thanks for participating!
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Please provide your Write for California user name. Don't have one?  Then join our community just in time for football season! *
From 0 to 100, rate Cal's chances of defeating UC Davis (9.03.2022, home) *
From 0 to 100, rate Cal's chances of defeating UNLV (9.10.2022, home) *
From 0 to 100, rate Cal's chances of defeating Notre Dame (9.17.2022, away) *
From 0 to 100, rate Cal's chances of defeating Arizona (9.24.2022, home) *
From 0 to 100, rate Cal's chances of defeating Washington State (10.01.2022, away) *
From 0 to 100, rate Cal's chances of defeating Colorado (10.15.2022, away) *
From 0 to 100, rate Cal's chances of defeating Washington (10.22.2022, home) *
From 0 to 100, rate Cal's chances of defeating Oregon (10.29.2022, home) *
From 0 to 100, rate Cal's chances of defeating USC (11.05.2022, away) *
From 0 to 100, rate Cal's chances of defeating Oregon State (11.12.2022, away) *
From 0 to 100, rate Cal's chances of defeating Leland Stanfurd Junior University (11.19.2022, home) *
From 0 to 100, rate Cal's chances of defeating UCLA (11.25.2022, home) *
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