AMA Mental Health with GI Psychologists!

In preparation for the Ask Me Anything Facebook Live on February 28th with GI Psychologists*--Dr. Fuss, Dr. Naftaly, and Ph.D. Candidate Barbara Storch, we are gathering questions you may have about GI psychologists and mental health with IBD and/or an ostomy.

Fill out this form with your questions or topics you hope are covered! 

*Please keep in mind that this event is for educational purposes only and does not replace seeing a mental health professional. Panelists will answer general questions (ex. how do you cope with IBD?) but cannot answer personal questions about your mental health/mental health care, or provide clinical guidance.

What questions or topics would you like to be answered/discussed during the AMA with GI Psychologists FB live! 

Provide as many questions or topic suggestions as you would like in the space below. 
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